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Llantwit Major School Ysgol Llanilltud Fawr

A School for the 21st Century at the Heart of the Community

Transition 2024

Dear Year 6 Parents/Carers - We have uploaded information about Transition for Year 6 - Year 7 pupils - Click here to view

Transition 2024 image

School Uniform Requirements

By agreement with the Governing Body, all pupils attending Llantwit Major School are required to wear the agreed school uniform. It is our strong belief that school uniform promotes positive attitudes, high standards and a suitable image in the eyes of our local community.

As parents/carers, you agree to your child abiding by our uniform requirements when you select Llantwit Major as the school which you wish your child to attend.


Our uniform requirements are as follows:

Plain black tailored skirt, trousers or shorts

Patterns are not permitted. Skirts, trousers and shorts must be tailored and all black. Skirts must be closer to the knee than to the hip. Jeans, cords, leggings and jeggings are not permitted.

White shirt

Plain white shirt with collar


Red and blue school tie (clip or traditional version.)

V-Neck sweater

Optional over shirt, navy blue with embroidered school logo, no alternative jumper is acceptable-this includes hoodies.

Socks or tights

All black/all white socks or all black tights.


All black, flat footwear. Crocs, flip flops/sliders are not permitted.


A sensible all- weather, waterproof coat. Denim jackets, leather jackets and hoodies are not permitted and will be confiscated.


Jewellery- We discourage pupils from wearing jewellery to school and if they choose to then they do so at their risk. Jewellery must be removed in practical lessons for health and safety reasons. If pupils refuse then sanctions will be issued and they will not be permitted to participate.


Make-up- Make up should be discreet and natural. We discourage pupils from applying long acrylic nails, failure to follow this advice will result in them not being permitted to participate in practical lessons for health and safety reasons.


Hair- Long hair must be tied up in practical lessons for health and safety reasons.


If pupils report to school in non-regulation items they will not be permitted into lessons. Parents will be called and asked to bring correct uniform to school. If they are unable to do so, pupils will be required to change into appropriate items from our uniform swap shop. If they refuse to do so, they will be removed from circulation and placed in our “reset” room. Every day a child presents to school in non-regulation items then this same process will be followed and they will incur negative behaviour points.


If any parent/carer is struggling to pay for school uniform we can provide good quality uniform from our uniform swap shop free of charge.


PE requirements:

Compulsory items:

  • Navy polo shirt LMS
  • Navy leggings/shorts
  • Trainers (flat soled trainers and/or plimsolls not permitted)
  • Navy socks


Optional items/ those required for extra-curricular participation in a particular sport:

  • Rugby shirt LMS
  • Navy zip top LMS
  • Skort
  • football boots/ rugby boots (plastic moulded soles, no metal studs or blades)
  • Swimming goggles
  • Shin pads
  • Gum shield/scrum cap (rugby)


All LMS school items can be purchased at Point Ink print and Embroidery Llantwit Major.